Hosted by Mike Branton & Dave Crook
StrategyCorps Partners
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The CFPB is gunning for “junk fees”. In their definition of these fees, they include OD/NSF fees (and in recent ruling, credit card late fees).
While this proposed regulation of a maximum fee amount is targeting those FIs with $10 billion or more in assets, it’s just a matter of time before these price pressures impact smaller FIs as well. And the big FIs are certain to use low or no fees as a competitive differentiator against smaller FIs with high, legacy fees.
We thought it was an ideal time to learn from FI executives what measures they are (or aren’t) putting in place now to prepare for revenue declines due to these direct and indirect regulatory pressures.
So, we surveyed hundreds of FI executives to learn how they’re planning to manage OD/NSF strategies for both their consumer and SMB checking products.
This free webinar will discuss the results of The Future of Overdrafts survey as well as insights from hosts, StrategyCorps Partners Mike Branton and Dave Crook.
In this 30 minute webinar they will discuss:

What OD/NSF pricing and policy changes have been made by FIs already and what are being planned
How do these changes relate to consumer checking and small business checking products
What are the replacement revenue strategies being considered and how to make them “consumer and SMB friendly”
Join Mike and Dave for this free webinar and Q&A on April 11 at 2pm PM Eastern Time to find out more about what your FI peers are doing regarding OD/NSF fees, and how it will help you prepare your FI for the next challenges and opportunities of the coming year.
Sign up now for your spot for the webinar and a copy of the free survey results.
Meet the Presenters

Mike Branton and Dave Crook are founding partners at StrategyCorps. They are subscription model and checking product experts who have brought recurring revenue and modern checking strategies to hundreds of financial institutions over the last 20 years, generating hundreds of millions of dollars of consumer-friendly revenue.
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