Recording: Community Bankers Survey on the 3 Ds: Deposits, Differentiation, and Decisions

We decided that if we want to know how bankers are planning for deposit growth next year, we weren’t going to rely on statistics and projections - we were going straight to the source.

We asked hundreds of community bank and credit union leaders to tell us what they were planning for next year.

Our survey is a deep dive into the plans they’re making to understand how they’re planning on managing their deposit growth and what steps they’re prioritizing to put them on the front foot for 2024.


Our survey explores among other topics:

  • Whether they’re prioritizing organic growth or acquisitive growth
  • Where bankers are looking for deposit growth - for consumer and SMB accounts
  • What measures banks are prioritizing to boost interchange fees and primacy
  • Strategies they’re using to avoid deposit attrition
  • What FIs view as their biggest competitors


Fututre of Overdrafts Survey 2024 Download

There are more than a few surprises in the data and we’ve included brief commentary for each response using our work with community FIs and based on two other surveys we’ve completed in 2023 with community FIs as well as SMB leaders.