Buyer’s Protection and Extended Warranty Coverage

If your customer or member accidentally drops a new laptop or their new toaster dies a day after its product warranty expires, they’re covered!

180 Days

of buyer's protection 
if the item is broken or stolen


the manufacturer warranty
up to one year


Eligible purchases made by your customers or members will be protected whether they shop online, visit a local store, or purchase gifts for friends or family members.

Buyer's protection covers the new item for the first 180 days after the purchase if the item is broken or stolen. Coverage is up to a maximum of $2,500 or $5,000 per claim (minus shipping and handling) and a maximum of $50,000 per account each year.

Extended warranty doubles the manufacturer's warranty by up to one year. Coverage includes repair or replacement of a defective product with a product of similar quality and kind, up to a maximum of $2,500 or $5,000 per claim (minus shipping and handling) and a maximum of $50,000 per account each year!


I recently purchased a new big-screen TV for my entertainment room. I started getting lines on the screen less than a month after the manufacturer’s warranty ended. So, I called BaZing, and they took care of the repair. I’m so glad I had Buyer’s Protection and Extended Warranty coverage!

- Jack P. (Brooklyn, NY)


Instant access.
Instant results.

At StrategyCorps, we help financial institutions grow retail checking relationships and the revenue they generate with innovative and energizing solutions. Contact us to learn how BaZing can provide your financial institution with great checking products and performance. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you’re an existing StrategyCorps client who is interested in adding this benefit, please contact your client manager or email client services.

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