
Insightful Analytics That Optimize Relationships

Discover which customer or member relationships are financially productive or not.

CheckingScore clearly identifies who your primary and non-primary customers or members. It provides peer benchmarking and product and pricing changes that upgrade checking products and simplify your lineup. The results: a top-performing checking lineup with a deeper consumer connection in today’s mobile-centric world that’s financially more productive.


Not Just a Report: A Checking Excellence Action Plan

  • 1

    Your fragmented data is transformed into easy-to-understand reports identifying opportunities to improve performance.

  • 2

    Using our proprietary database, your checking performance is compared to peers across key metrics.

  • 3

    Fully-informed strategic and financial decisions are complemented with a detailed work plan on precisely how to implement.


The Payoff

  • Detailed action plans to better grow primary relationships and stiff-arm competitors.
  • Reacquire non-primary relationships and put them on a path to primacy and more financial productivity.
  • Typically, this results in $500,000 of new, consumer-friendly revenue per $1B billion of assets.

Ready to get started?

When you’re ready to take a deeper look at our CheckingScore analytics to be a retail checking top-performer, let us know.

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