OD/NSF Fees: The False Safety Net of Doing Nothing

By Mike Branton Given the proposed CFPB rules that are going into effect regarding OD/NSF fees, it’s the right  time to find out how banks and credit unions are dealing and planning to deal with this dominant source of non-interest income being increasingly scrutinized (yep, it’s classified as a “junk fee”) and regulated to generate…

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Future of Overdrafts – Survey Results Webinar

Download Presentation (PDF) The CFPB  is gunning for “junk fees”. In their definition of these fees, they include OD/NSF fees (and in recent ruling, credit card late fees). While this proposed regulation of a maximum fee amount is targeting those FIs with $10 billion or more in assets, it’s just a matter of time before…

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What Banking Can Learn from Amazon Prime

By Mike Branton   Building a fair exchange of value in a subscriber-first ecosystem is a winner for consumers and Amazon. If there’s one program that stands well above all others as the greatest marriage of a digital retail products selling platform and value-based subscription pricing, it is Amazon Prime. The numbers don’t lie, making…

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Redefining Primary Relationships

By Mike Branton and Dave DeFazio This article originally appeared in Bank Director.   Ask 100 bankers to define what it means to be the primary financial institution for a consumer, and you’ll likely get 100 different answers. Ask 100 consultants to bankers what being the primary FI entails, and you’ll probably get 100 more…

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How Should Your FI Overhaul Your Overdraft Fees?

By Mike Branton   Banks and credit unions have been making material changes to their overdraft fees and policies with increasing frequency since the middle of 2021. To date, the national banks, large regional banks, and a sprinkling of credit unions have led the charge with announcements that make their public relations providers proud. Community…

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