StrategyCorps’ 2017 Checking Performance Study: Fix and Grow the 35% of Small/Low Relationship Accounts: Protect and Grow the Others

Our second annual Consumer Checking Financial Performance Report provides detailed analysis on more than 4.5 million checking account relationships incorporating over 600 million data points using the database from our CheckingScore analytical solution. The result is the most insightful and actionable information on consumer checking for financial institutions to use in benchmarking their own performance and to incorporate into their product and checking line-up decision-making.

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Where Credit Unions May Be Missing Out

FOMO. Squad. Bae. Shade. If a credit union doesn’t understand the meaning of the terms, it isn’t alone. However, the credit union may be missing out on connecting with one of the fastest growing segments in the financial industry. 

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Connecting with Mobile and Millennials

“If you believe mobile services and Millennials are important to the future of our industry, we’ve got to do a better job of learning their language,” he said.

DeFazio showed numerous examples of experience-based mobile apps that are changing the way the financial industry works. “Experience trumps service,” he reiterated time and again, driving home the point that mobile users care more about the experiences offered through their apps than they do the types of services.

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