Posts Tagged ‘Credit Unions’
The Name of the Game? Product Value
By Dave Pond During a recent episode of the Marketing Money podcast (helmed by John Oxford, director of marketing at Renasant Bank, and Mabus Agency owner Josh Mabus), I was excited to hear the topic of conversation turn from product naming toward product value. >> Marketing Money Ep. 125 (31:00) | LISTEN After all, nothing…
Read MoreWhat’s in a Name?
By James Mason My friend and her six-year-old daughter were listening to music. Her daughter said that she’s never heard the song playing and that it was “weird,” so my friend said, “This was a popular song when I was a teenager in the ’90s.” Her daughter replied and said, “Oh. You mean in the…
Read MoreThe Rise of the Multi-Account Consumer
Research shows that having more than one checking account has become more popular these days. This is true especially among Millennials, of whom 42% have two or more accounts. In fact, among consumers who consider a digital bank to be their primary bank, 42% have more than one checking account, and half of them have…
Read MoreQuality vs. Quantity vs. Retail Banking
By Ryan Harbry The tension between quality versus quantity is age-old, affecting industries of all kinds, especially banking. Community banks and credit unions are intimately familiar with weighing quality versus quantity. Financial institutions have quite the split personality in this arena if we’re honest with ourselves. When it comes to lending practices, no stone will…
Read MoreThe Big Tech Threat (Opportunity?)
In November 2019, Google announced that it was going to launch a checking account. The announcement elicited the typical frenzy in the press about how the Big Tech company and its fellow Gigantosauruses were going to put traditional banks out of business. But — surprise, surprise—that wasn’t the game plan. The plan was to partner…
Read MoreInside the Digital Bank Insurgency of 2020
The pandemic should get a lot of the credit for this, but 2020 was a good — no, make that a great — year for challenger banks and the broader group of digital banks. At the beginning of 2020, just 3 percent of U.S. consumers considered a digital bank to be their primary bank. By…
Read MoreBaZing’s Got My Back
By Clay Crenshaw Having worked with financial institutions over the last few decades on their retail checking account strategies, I find myself so focused on things like fee income, analytics, and net interest margins that I forget how relevant and impactful our products can be. If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to share a quick…
Read MoreFuel Your Fee Income with BaZing
Imagine your customers or members going to the pump and getting cheaper gas every single month. Think they’d appreciate your financial institution making that happen for them? Inspired by popular grocery store programs, StrategyCorps’ new BaZing Fuel program takes fuel rewards to a whole new level by letting financial institutions help consumers save money when…
Read MoreIs Your Financial Institution Feeling the Burn?
When the first so-called “challenger banks” like Simple and Moven appeared on the scene around 2010 they were heralded as “disruptors” that were going to put traditional banks and credit unions out of business. Why? The asserted logic was that they provided a better customer experience, were more customer-friendly in terms of pricing (i.e., no…
Read MoreStrategyCorps Partners with Vizo Financial for Share Draft Rewards Program
A partnership between retail checking solutions industry leader StrategyCorps and Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union will deliver actionable analytics and modern rewards solutions to Vizo Financial’s member credit unions. StrategyCorps’ share draft mobile rewards program will provide opportunities to increase member satisfaction, share draft performance analysis, and member-friendly fee income. StrategyCorps’ CheckingScore® solution will allow…
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